Excursión en tierra en Málaga: excursión de un día sin colas a la Alhambra y los Jardines del Generalife
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Excursión en tierra en Málaga: excursión de un día sin colas a la Alhambra y los Jardines del Generalife
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Excursión en tierra en Málaga: excursión de un día sin colas a la Alhambra y los Jardines del Generalife

1 day
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Acerca de esta actividad
Deje atrás el puerto de Málaga y viaje en un lujoso monovolumen al complejo del Palacio de la Alhambra, en la ciudad de Granada, aproximadamente a 2 horas de distancia. La Alhambra, situada en lo alto de la Colina de La Sabica, es una fortaleza, un palacio y una antigua ciudad, todo en uno. Construido alrededor del siglo X, el complejo ha sido la residencia de una serie de sultanes, reyes y emires, lo que da al sitio su legado histórico variado. Hoy en día, el monumento es reconocido como uno de los lugares declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO más importantes de España.
Olvídese de las largas colas de entrada de la Alhambra con su entrada Evite las colas y empiece con un vistazo a la parte más antigua del complejo, la Alcazaba, con su variedad de murallas y torres. Contemple la ciudad de Granada desde los muros de la fortaleza y explore sus pasarelas con su guía.
Continúe hasta los Palacios Nazaríes, un conjunto de magníficos edificios moriscos que podrá admirar en toda su gloria. Formado por tres edificios diferentes, los palacios cuentan con salas de eventos muy elaboradas y el opulento arte islámico. Contemple el cielo desde las ventanas del Palacio del Mexuar y escuche anécdotas sobre las extravagantes vidas de los emires y sultanes que vivieron aquí.
Desde los palacios Nazaríes, pasee por los Jardines del Generalife para observar donde una vez se relajaron los reyes árabes de antaño. Con una abundante flora y sus característicos elementos de agua, los jardines también incluyen otros dos patios que podrá ver, el Patio de la Acequia y el Patio de la Sultana.
Tras 3 horas disfrutando de la Alhambra y los Jardines del Generalife, vuelva al monovolumen para el viaje de regreso a Málaga. Su excursión por la costa acaba con el traslado al puerto.
Tenga en cuenta que: el orden de esta excursión está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso y es posible que la visita a algunos lugares se realice en un orden diferente, en función de la ocupación de la Alhambra el día de la excursión.
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  • Recogida y bajada de puerto
  • Guía profesional
  • Entrada - The Alhambra
No incluido
  • Almuerzo
  • Propinas
  • La confirmación se recibirá cuando se realice la reserva, a menos que esta se haya efectuado 1 día antes del viaje. En tal caso, la confirmación se recibirá lo antes posible, en función de la disponibilidad.
  • Tenga en cuenta que: la Alhambra requiere que todos los pasajeros proporcionen el nombre completo, la fecha de nacimiento y los detalles del pasaporte de cada participante al realizar la reserva. Si no se proporciona, la Alhambra puede denegar el acceso a sus instalaciones.
  • No es accesible para sillas de ruedas
  • Se pueden llevar coches de bebés
  • Hay transporte público cerca
  • Los bebés deben ir sentados en el regazo de un adulto
  • Asientos infantiles disponibles
  • Los viajeros deben tener un nivel medio de forma física
Christopher B
5 | 2018-02-21

Picked up on time by a friendly and knowledgeable driver and had a pleasant comfortable and scenic ride from Malaga to Granada about 1.5 hrs. Once at the Alhambra, the driver handed us off to a guide that took us through the Alhambra and provided an informative and interesting narration as we went through. All participants on the tour had an individual headset so we could hear the guide without having to be standing within 5 feet of him, which made the tour all the more comfortable. After a very thorough and complete tour of about 3 house we were given some time to eat or shop on our own before meeting the driver for the return trip to Malaga. All very well organized and seamless. Probably one of the best tours Ive ever been on.

Kimberly A M
4 | 2018-01-20

The drive there was fine, he drove fast but not dangerous. He didn't speak English so couldn't ask him any questions about the surroundings. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable but we had problems hearing him a lot and he didn't seemed concerned that we couldn't hear him. He also never ask us if we had any questions which I thought was unusual. Palaces are really neat to tour, there is a lot of history in there!

4 | 2017-03-24

We had arranged for a group of 12 people to take this tour. There was some confusion on the pickup time and therefore we ending waiting for an hour for the driver to arrive. This was our fault and not the tour driver. The driver was very courteous but spoke little english. When we arrived at the Alhambra we were added to a group of people from Germany which meant we had to listen to everything in german and english. This caused much dismay and delay for our group as we stood around and waited for english. The guide at Alhambra was very rude and condescending to our group. We had one person with a wheel chair who got left behind and the guide didn't even know he was missing. The missing person had been asked to wait at a designated spot, which he did but the guide did not return for him. When he was finally found the guide told our friend this tour is not meant for old people. He was only 57 years old. We did enjoy seeing Alhambra but it would have been much better with our own guide and not being put in with other group.

2 | 2017-03-23

We were a private party of 12 persons. The driver of the private van was courteous but limited in English. At the Alhambra and GeneralLife and Gardens tour, we were shuffled in with a larger tour from Germany and were almost forgotten. Because of the 2 translations, the tour took longer than anticipated. Excellent guide. For the cost and length of this tour we thought a snack and drink should have been included. The driver was prompt and reliable in getting us back to the ship on time.

4 | 2016-08-26

The driver did not speak English. He was a good driver - but fast. Didn't have much time in town even though we had time before we needed to return to the ship. He did take us up to a high point for a photo op. The guide at the Alhambra and Garden was very good. Liked his pacing. Very informative.

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